Online Course

Dewey Program

Online Course

Registered with Ontario Ministry of Education, Dewey Online School has officially started in January 2018 in China. All courses offered are recognized by Ontario Ministry of Education, including Ontario Grade 9 – 12 ESL courses and credit courses. The first batch of students accessed the courses via China-Canada Class in 5 regions of China. All such students are registered in China, and meanwhile, registered with Ontario Ministry of Education as well. The courses they take and complete are equivalent to those of their Canadian counterparts.

Lessons: 12 Lessons Duration: 02 Years Language: English
Seats: Session: 2018-2020 Department:

Course Highlight

  • 100% Canadian teaching standard, credit system and original textbooks
  • All courses instructed in English by Dewey’s certified teachers
  • All homework and tests administered online and graded by Dewey teachers in Canada
  • Trained teaching assistants in China to assist the students and facilitate face-to-face communication between the students and their teachers in Canada

Course Advantages

  • Students in China can obtain Ontario student registration status
  • Students in China can obtain Ontario Secondary School Diploma
  • The credits earned qualify students for North American colleges and universities like their Canadian counterparts
  • Students can come to Canada and continue their university programs based on their interests and aptitudes

Possible Course Outcomes

  • Attend Dewey College, fulfill all necessary requirements, obtain OSSD and go to university
  • Continue high school in US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, etc. provided the student is unable to study in Canada (Dewey credits are recognized worldwide, and Dewey can assist the student with the credit transfer.)
  • Continue their schooling in China, fulfill all necessary requirements prescribed by Dewey and obtain OSSD

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