Testing Center
Dewey Testing Center is the official test venue for


The TOEFL test is the most widely respected English-language test in the world, recognized by more than 9,000 colleges, universities and agencies in more than 130 countries, including Australia, Canada, the U.K. and the United States. Wherever you want to study, the TOEFL test can help you get there. The TOEFL iBT test measures your ability to use and understand English at the university level. And it evaluates how well you combine your listening, reading, speaking and writing skills to perform academic tasks.

The College’s Jurisprudence Exam requires applicants to demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to apply relevant Ontario legislation and regulations, as well as College standards and guidelines. Applicants seeking a General, Restricted, Academic and Post-graduate and Resident License in Ontario are required to successfully complete the Jurisprudence Examination. The exam requires applicants to demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to apply relevant Ontario legislation and regulations, as well as College standards and guidelines. This exam is approved by the College’s Registration Committee.


Our College Has Been Present For Over 25 Years In Giving Education
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